Stamp Albums: 3xx field or Note?
Kathleen Hughes
2014-10-22 17:51:13 UTC
We have a stamp album, that says it's a stamp album in the title. We
are discussing whether the fact that there are stamps (in plastic
sleeves) needs to be included in either/both a 3xx field and a note?

Any thoughts?

Thank you.
Kathleen Hughes
Cataloging, Metadata & Archival Services
Harry A. Sprague Library
Montclair State University
Montclair, NJ 07043


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J. McRee Elrod
2014-10-22 18:40:52 UTC
Post by Kathleen Hughes
We have a stamp album, that says it's a stamp album in the title. We
are discussing whether the fact that there are stamps (in plastic
sleeves) needs to be included in either/both a 3xx field and a note?
How about including "coloured stamps" in 300$b, with a fuller
explanation in 520?

__ __ J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (mac-***@public.gmane.org)
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